Bertrand D Hsu
American & Chinese
Bicultural Academy
Announcing Our Saturday School and Summer School + Camp
Community Hub
Bertrand D Hsu Academy American & Chinese Bicultural Academy is designed to be a community hub that not only educates students but also engages parents, grandparents and other members of the community. We will provide day-time volunteering opportunities and other activities for parents and grandparents who drop-off their children. We will provide evening classes for adults such as:
Becoming an American for immigrants (cultural differences and approaches)
Work skills (English, computer literacy, reading, etc.)
Life skills (parenting, insurance, banking, etc.)
Safety skills (self defense classes, etc.)
Supporting children (college preparation and admissions, financial aid, etc.)
Citizenship (the need to vote, how to vote, etc.)
Chinese culture classes
Other topics based on feedback from the community
Bert Hsu Academy also brings together everyone in the community who wants to participate and support this community project that happens to be a school. We welcome intergenerational volunteers for the classroom and field trips; we welcome retired and still working educators to mentor our teachers; we welcome service providers to bring services on-site to our students and families; we welcome businesses and organizations to provide field trips, volunteer and internship opportunities to our students.
We welcome YOU to be part of this community project!
To inquire about using our space for your event ($100/hour), please contact
Community Partners
These community organizations partner with us to provide curriculum, activities, and volunteer and career exploration opportunities for our students. If you belong to an organization that can do the same, please contact us!
Chinese Hospital is a field trip destination for our students to be exposed to and educated about the various careers in the healthcare industry. Our students can also volunteer and intern here before applying to higher education institutions for study or directly start working in the healthcare industry.
The Florence Fang Community Farm partners with Bertrand D Hsu Academy to provide hands-on learning for our students throughout the year on a bi-weekly basis. Our students connect with nature in an outdoor environment, learn about gardening and healthy living, and gain communication and leadership skills as they work together.
Pathways for Kids (PFK) partners with Bertrand D Hsu Academy to introduce our students to different career pathways with an emphasis on technology, entrepreneurship, investing, and capital building. PFK can bring speakers to our school as well as provide field trip destinations to see careers in action.
More to come
We welcome intergenerational volunteers* for our classrooms, garden, field trips, and other activities. We welcome YOU!

* All volunteers will need to pass background checks.